Definition of WASTE
Pronunciation : WASTE

noun : WASTE

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 2. (

    ) useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly; "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste"; "mindless dissipation of natural resources" ;

  • 4. (

    ) an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation; "the barrens of central Africa"; "the trackless wastes of the desert" ;

verb : WASTE

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) spend thoughtlessly; throw away; "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"; "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree" ;

  • 2. (

    ) use inefficiently or inappropriately; "waste heat"; "waste a joke on an unappreciative audience" ;

  • 3. (

    ) get rid of; "We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer" ;

  • 10. (

    ) become physically weaker; "Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world" ;

Adjective : WASTE

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) located in a dismal or remote area; desolate; "a desert island"; "a godforsaken wilderness crossroads"; "a wild stretch of land"; "waste places" ;

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