Definition of SCORCHING
Pronunciation : SCORCHING


Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) make very hot and dry; "The heat scorched the countryside" ;

  • 3. (

    ) destroy completely by or as if by fire; "The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes"; "the invaders scorched the land" ;

  • 4. (

    ) burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling" ;

  • 5. (

    ) become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions; "The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun" ;

Adjective : SCORCHING

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface; "scorching heat" ;


Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) capable of causing burns; "it was scorching hot" ;

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