Definition of BRUISING
Pronunciation : BRUISING


Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of; "I bruised my knee" ;

  • 3. (

    ) break up into small pieces for food preparation; "bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them" ;

  • 4. (

    ) damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure; "The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them" ;

Adjective : BRUISING

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) causing mental or emotional injury; "a bruising experience"; "protected from the bruising facts of battle"- John Mason Brown ;

  • 2. (

    ) brutally forceful and compelling; "protected from the bruising facts of battle" ;

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