Definition of HARDEST
Pronunciation : HARDEST

Adverb : HARDEST

Source:WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) with effort or force or vigor; "the team played hard"; "worked hard all day"; "pressed hard on the lever"; "hit the ball hard"; "slammed the door hard" ;

  • 3. (

    ) earnestly or intently; "thought hard about it"; "stared hard at the accused" ;

  • 4. (

    ) causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the bank's failure" ;

  • 5. (

    ) slowly and with difficulty; "prejudices die hard"; "he was so dizzy he could hardly stand up straight" ;

  • 7. (

    ) into a solid condition; "concrete that sets hard within a few hours" ;

  • 8. (

    ) very near or close in space or time; "it stands hard by the railroad tracks"; "they were hard on his heels"; "a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening" ;

  • 9. (

    ) with pain or distress or bitterness; "he took the rejection very hard" ;

  • 10. (

    ) to the full extent possible; all the way; "hard alee"; "the ship went hard astern"; "swung the wheel hard left" ;

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